Statement On Appointment Of Commisioners Of Inquiry For Constitutional Review

Published On - January 6, 2023

To all Media Houses

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  1. We refer to the captioned matter
  2. We commence by indicating and confirming that BOCONGO, BFTU and BOFEPUSU are in synergistic efforts for participation in the process of constitutional review to strengthen the voice of civil society in Botswana.
  3. We have noted that, the President has appointed a Presidential Commission of Inquiry for constitutional review and as well determined its terms of reference, something far from our expectations pertaining to the process of this nature in the context of a functional democracy.
  4. It is against this backdrop that we have written to the President requesting a meeting to discuss the matter.
  5. Feedback on the response from the office of the President as well as update will be issued in due course. We urge all civil society Organisations, labour movement and the entire population to take a keen interest in the constitutional review, its processes and its significance to the livelihoods of Batswana and future generations.
  6. Our unity and participation is paramount in the review of the constitution of Botswana.

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