NGO Digital 2024

What is NGO Digital 2024?

This is an initiative that has been developed by AfroAgileSoft to empower BOCONGO members to be part of the digital space. By the end of the year 2024, we want to see more and more NGOs who currently do not have websites, going online with their own branded websites that are affordable.

Affordability & Payment Flexibility

We design websites at an affordable rate, and our payment methods are very flexible. This package is available to members of BOCONGO.


1. Web-design NGO package worth P5,000 (NO PAYMENT BY MEMBER)

2. Web hosting P1,600 annually for .org (To be Paid by members)

OR Web hosting P1,850 annually for (To be Paid by members)

With this package every NGO can be able to go online, it only takes TWO WEEKS!! This means that as a member of BOCONGO, you ONLY pay for web-hosting!!! Your website will go online with the following features:

  • Domain name e.g. or
  • 10 Corporate Email accounts
  • Mobile Responsive WordPress Website
  • FREE WordPress Training
  • FREE Content Management plan for the first 12 months
  • FREE Facebook Messenger live chat app integrated into your website
  • FREE Blog
  • FREE Email Marketing software that is incorporated into your WordPress dashboard.
  • Social Media Integration and Feeds
  • Web Traffic Analytics and Reporting
  • Google Maps – Your NGO will be existing on Google Maps, this improves visibility and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation

Mobile Web Experience

At AfroAgileSoft we believe that every company needs a digital marketing strategy that can improve their clients or stakeholders’ mobile online experience. Mobile is not just a technology, it's a behaviour, which is why almost all 90% of the users are accessing websites using sophisticated gadgets like smart phones, tablets etc. Again, a mobile website is search-engine-optimised (SEO) and therefore search engines like,,,, and others can easily identify it from the rest.

Cross Browser Compatibility

For a website to be mobile responsive, then cross browser compatibility must be an inbuilt feature for that website. Can you imagine that there are more than ten Internet browsers, and some browsers are mini versions of the original browsers that we are already familiar with e.g. Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari etc. All of these browsers have their mobile versions for smart phones and tablets. Therefore, at AfroAgileSoft we believe in designing websites that are supported by common desktop and mobile browsers, this improves the chance for that website to display properly on all devices like desktops, laptops, smart phones & tablets, and hence improving online user experience

SEO – Search Engine Optimisation

According to the web traffic data that we have gathered from all the websites that we have designed, we observed that most of the traffic is coming from Social Media e.g. Facebook. This is so because our clients find it easy to promote website links via Facebook. However, from the same data that we have, Search Engine results are very low but search engines play a major role in making sure a website is visible. We are saying this because 81% of the website traffic is coming from search engines and out of this 81%, almost 0-70% are mobile phones. This means mobile users will first search for BOCONGO member website on Google, Bing or Yahoo and then click the available links that have been provided as organic search engine results. Now the question that we need to ask ourselves is that, do we make it to the top 3 of search engine results when people search using keywords like “Strategy development”, “government”, “Botswana” etc.

If your website does not appear on the first 3 results at the top of Google page, then your website does not belong to the golden triangle. At AfroAgileSoft, we believe that BOCONGO members being NGO entities, must be search engine optimized to the point where your website links belong to the top 3 results of Google, Bing or Yahoo, both locally and internationally.Eye tracking results showing the user’s eye focus/attention on Google search results.

Media and Material Downloads

We also believe that BOCONGO members need websites that can provide potential clients or stakeholders or government ministries with the relevant information that will compel them to take a positive action or get engaged, either by visiting in person, sending an enquiry or referring another person. Allowing your clients or stakeholders to have access to the downloads (e.g. annual reports, newsletters etc) is a good conversion-rate-optimisation (CRO) strategy and can help you to identify, track and monitor leads and clients’ interests, especially by their email address and other contact information.

Interactive Email Communication

People have made the Internet a place to be, therefore, we believe in designing and developing websites that are interactive and user friendly, allowing your clients or stakeholders to send an email directly from the website, any-where, any-time, using every-thing. AfroAgileSoft will design your website in the manner in which feedbacks, requests, and general enquiries will be directed to the inbox of the relevant and specific departments.

Website Loading Speed

One analysis of 5 million desktop and mobile pages found that the average time ittakes to fully load a webpage is 10.3 seconds on desktop, and 27.3 seconds on mobile. This is considered as too much loading time. According to some research, 64% of the people would close a website before it finishes loading, especially if that website takes more than 5 seconds to load. Therefore, AfroAgileSoft will target the loading speed of 20 seconds for mobile and 5 seconds for desktops,especially for Botswana users. Take note that the provision of high speed Internet per country is different and this dependency is a technical factor that can affect this requirement.

Morden Website Design Layouts

There are 3 types of website design layout and each layout can simplify or complicate the aesthetic aspect and user friendliness of the website. The 3 types of website layout are as follows:

a. Flat Design – Flat design takes influence from Swiss style design which has an emphasis on readability, cleanliness, and minimalism. This is a very minimal design layout, which make’s it to be the best in regard to simplicity.It was used by Microsoft when they introduced Windows 8 (2012) and Apple when they introduced iOS 7 (2013).

b. Material Design – This design was introduced by Google in 2014, if you look at Gmail, Google Analytics etc, you will realize it’s a more like a flat design with smooth curved corners of buttons, background and with a shadow

kind of like design around components.

c. Skeumorphism Design - This is where an object in software e.g buttons or backgrounds mimics its real world counterpart. This design was introduced by Apple, though Apple design is based on simplicity, this had at some point made Apple products to be difficult to use especially in regard to cognitive load.

WordPress CMS

Almost 75 million websites are running on WordPress CMS, which makes WordPress to be the common CMS used by at least 62% of CMS websites worldwide. Why is almost everybody using WordPress? There are many reasons to this but one of the most important reasons is that, WordPress is user friendly, secure, SEO ready, and worldly supported with more than 55,449 plugins. WordPress being user friendly will allow BOCONGO member Website Administrators and Content Managers to easily update and upload new content to the website without difficulty. This is one of the user’s best choices for WordPress CMS.

Social Media Integration

We believe in helping organizations to convert strangers into friends and friends into potential clients or stakeholders without compromising website traffic. With social media integrated to your websites, your website will become a social media platform as well, allowing your clients or stakeholders to interact with Facebook and Twitter without having to leave the website.

Web Traffic Analytics (Reports)

We totally believe in high return on investment s (ROI), if we can only compare costs and results with a click, especially by tracking and monitoring how your potential clients and stakeholders are interacting with your website, then you would learn about your market and you would eventually grow. Therefore we believe in providing our customers with digital marketing analytics & reports every month as the business intelligence and insight to help them deliver the right content to the market, effectively.

For example, organizations with customer and stakeholder satisfaction footprints in Botswana, SADC region and globally, the website solution from AfroAgileSoft will be able to give full web traffic analytics and reports about the following:

1. Number of website visitors from each country

2. Number of website visitors from each city or town, or village

3. Number of website visitors by gender

4. Number of website visitors by age

5. Number of website visitors by interests e.g. entrepreneurship, sports, health and more

6. Number of website visitors by type of content that seems interesting to them or that they focus on or that they spend most time consuming. It makes sense to assume that if a visitor spent 5 minutes on the home page and 3 minutes on the about-us page then his/her interest is on the home page content.

7. Number of website visitors by the type of device used to access the website e.g. smart phones, tablets, laptop, desktops, smart watches and smart TVs. By providing our clients and stakeholders with this insight we tend to recommend the type of content that is needed than the content that is wanted by the public. Therefore making us to manage content for our customers effectively.

Facebook Messenger Live Chat App

Nowadays People are texting more than talking, and according to statistics, people will not come back to a website that does not have a live chat service incorporated, this is because live chat apps provide instant communication than emails. For the best online communications experience, our websites provide a WhatsApp live chat app, which allows instant interactions between an organization and its potential clients and stakeholders. This means it will be ideal to have a Facebook Messenger Live Chat that can run 24 /7 and 365 days a year. Blog We are living in the time of web 2.0, where user generated content has dominated the web space. Gone are the days when the web master was developing, uploading and publishing content. Creating blog articles on the website will allow organizations to communicate and discuss issues in an online knowledge sharing setup. Clients and stakeholders will be able to ask questions and post even answers on the blog.

Google Maps Location

At AfroAgileSoft we believe every organizations must have its physical address on Google Maps to enable searching. Once we incorporate Google Maps on your website, we have improved your SEO. According to stats, 86% of people look up the location of a business on Google Maps straight from their mobile phone before they can start accessing their website or before they can either call or visit the business within 24 hours.

GDPR Compliance

Most of the companies in Botswana that develop Website and Mobile Apps don’t have Privacy Policy pages that are normally used to inform the public about the type of data that is being collected from the customers and how that data will be used. In the European Union, this is illegal. For this limitation, GDPR compliance is being compromised. 9 out 10 website that are developed by AfroAgileSoft are GDPR compliant.

GDPR is short for General Data Protection Regulation and this acronym is a new EU law that came into effect on 25 May 2018 to replace the current Data Protection Act. It’s the biggest overhaul of data protection legislation for over 25 years, and is introducing new requirements for how organisations must process personal data. The law states that all organisations in the European Union or all organisations processing personal information of the EU citizens must comply with GDPR.

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